
Publicações desde 2015

1) Vasconcellos AV, Lima D, Bonhomme F, Vianna M, Solé-Cava AM. 2015. Genetic population structure of the commercially most important demersal fish in the Southwest Atlantic: the white mouth croaker (Micropogonias furnieri). Fisheries Research 167: 333–337.

2) Cunha HA, da Silva VMF, Santos TEC, Moreira SMS, do Carmo NAS, Solé-Cava AM. 2015. When you get what you haven’t paid for: molecular identification of “douradinha fish” fillets may help end the illegal use of river dolphins as bait in Brazil. Journal of Heredity 106: 565-572.

3) Rodríguez-Clark KM, Olivera-Miranda MA, Aguilera M, Martino A, Miyaki C, Montiel-Villalobos MG, Oliveira RM, Poulin E, Solé-Cava AM. 2015. Finding the Conservation in Conservation Genetics. Journal of Heredity 106: 423-427.

4) Cunha HA, Castro RL, Secchi ER, Crespo EA, Lailson-Brito J, Azevedo AF, Lazoski C, Solé-Cava AM. 2015. Molecular and morphological differentiation of common dolphins (Delphinus sp.) in the Southwestern Atlantic: testing the two species hypothesis in sympatry. PLOS One 10(11) e0140251.

5) Ribas C, Cunha H, Damasceno G, Magnusson W, Solé-Cava AM, Mourão G. 2016. More than meets the eye: kinship and social organization in giant otters (Pteronura brasiliensis). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70: 61-72

6) Rodríguez-Rey GT, Hartnoll R, Solé-Cava AM. 2016. Genetic structure and diversity of the endangered land crab, Johngarthia lagostoma. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 474: 204-209.

7) Lima SMW, Vasconcellos AV, Berbel-Filho WM, Lazoski C, Russo CAM, Sazima I, Solé-Cava AM. 2016. Effects of Pleistocene climatic and geomorphological changes on the population structure of the restricted-range catfish Trichogenes longipinnis (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae). Systematics and Biodiversity 14: 155-170

8) Cavaleiro NP, Solé-Cava AM, Almeida LG, Lazoski C, Vasconcelos ATR. 2016. The complete mitochondrial genome of Crassostrea gasar (Bivalvia: Ostreidae). Mitochondrial DNA 27: 2939-2940

9) Marques A, Solé-Cava AM, Pereira AN, Vasconcellos AV, Lessa EP. 2017. Deep genetic divergence of the Southern king croaker (Menticirrhus americanus). Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 65: 515-519

10) Rodríguez-Rey GT, Carvalho A, Araujo ME, Solé-Cava AM. 2018. Evolutionary history of Bathygobius (Perciformes: Gobiidae) in the Atlantic biogeographic provinces: a new endemic species and old mitochondrial sublineages. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 182: 360-384

11) Cavaleiro NP, Lazoski C, Tureck CR, Melo CMR, Amaral VS, Lomovasky B, Absher, TM, Solé-Cava AM. 2019. Crassostrea talonata, a new threat to native oyster (Bivalvia: Ostreidae) culture in the Southwest Atlantic. Journal of experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 511:91-99.

12) Marques RA, Solé-Cava AM, Vianna,M. 2019. A new strategy proposal to monitor ray fins landings in Southeast Brazil Aquatic Conservation 30:68-85 DOI:10.1002/aqc.3203

13) Seixas VC, Steiner TM, Solé-Cava AM, Amaral ACZ, Paiva PC. 2020. Hidden diversity within the Diopatra cuprea complex (Annelida: Onuphidae): morphological and genetics analyses reveal four new species in the south-west Atlantic. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 32: 1-12

14) Lima SMQ, Berbel-Filho WM, Vasconcellos AV, Lazoski C, Volpi TA, Lazzarotto H, Russo CAM, Tatarenkov, Avise JA, Solé-Cava AM. 2021. Rio de Janeiro and other paleodrainages evidenced by the genetic structure of an Atlantic Forest freshwater catfish. Journal of Biogeography 48:1475–1488.

15) Alvarenga M, Solé-Cava AM, Henning F. 2021. What’s in a name? Phylogenetic species identification reveals extensive trade of endangered guitarfishes and sharks. Biological Conservation 257: 109119

16) Souza DS, Clemente WR, Henning F, Solé-Cava AM. 2021 From fish markets to restaurants: substitution prevalence across the flatfish commercialisation chain in Brazil. Fisheries Research 243: 106095